Marylin Monroe got no Li-Ion battery yet

This morning I was thinkin’ “Will a calculator be as fast and good as our brain”? Not yet! By the way, it seems long distance to reach the target, what we can use well is our resource, our brain. Think, think and think just like a training. Some super situation makes human, not all of us, supernatural one. When you hear the voice of someone you love, I mean in danger, you start to analyze so many aspects and variabilities it seems insane what you can do. Action and thought move at the same point every milli-second, everything seems possible! What’s the key? Emotions! Those funny things are our best friend or enemy, it could be for someone. Those “guys” let you realize something “strange”, super natural, and when it’s over you can not really realize “how it was possible?”. This is magic, this is what we are and in this way I scream “screw you bro” if you try to reply humans with machines!

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Un pensiero riguardo “Marylin Monroe got no Li-Ion battery yet

  1. Amazing: automatic error tipyng corrector made a mistake for “Marylin”. If you type Marilyn, as it is, it change word to MARYLIN. My fault due to I did not switch to English keyboard shit!

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